Britain Security

NSA in Britain
- the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "documents from the NSA - described payments !"






  • "to the GCHQ - US$ 150m - over three years !"







  • "and for - what ?!"






  • "the documents described - they had expected a return - on the investment !"







  • "had wanted access - and influence - over GCHQ programmes !"








  • "a strategy briefing from the GCHQ - described had worked - to meet their demands !"






  • "had to pull its weight - and be seen to pull its weight !"






  • "documents from the GCHQ - described dependency !"






  • "they had raised - a number of issues !"







  • "with regards to meeting - minimum expectations !"





  • "it said it still remained short - of they fully asked !"








  • "documents from the GCHQ - described a "selling point"  !"






  • "intelligence laws - and regulatory regime !"







  • "documents from the GCHQ - described details in an annual - "investment portfolio"  !"




  • "payments of - £ 17.2m - for an Internet project ! - ( Tempora ! )"







  • 15.5m - for a site with communications - from transatlantic cables !"







  • "documents from the GCHQ - described its fear !"






  • "that their perceptions - of the partnership - diminish !"







  • "leading to loss - of access !"






  • "and reduction - in investment - in access !"







  • "and they did not hold back - when they did not get - what they wanted !"











Relationship - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "documents from the GCHQ - described middle managers !"






  • "worried about - they "asked" - and whether it was doing enough ?!"







  • "a budget report from the GCHQ - described spent money !"






  • "according to NSA - and its requirements !"







  • "in that - order !"











GCHQ - the Guardian:



  • "a document from the GCHQ - government communications headquarters !"






  • "drafted by analysts - involved in a team - described !"







  • "they sometimes solved - technical challenges !"





  • "chipped away at problems - over a period of time !"







  • "they were less good - at communicating things - to others !"







  • "their perception was - that they were !"






  • "in their own - little world !"







  • "a guide from the GCHQ - described it had been !"






  • "in the media spotlight - a fair bit !"







  • "and some individuals - may ask them - about aspects !"






  • "monitored - the emails !"







  • "under no circumstances - should they enter into a dialogue - around this topic !"
















GCHQ - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ GCHQ



GCHQ - Spiegel online



  • "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben Zahlungen !"




  • "an den GCHQ - 115 Millionen Euro - in drei Jahren !"





  • "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben Forderungen !"




  • "deren Leistungen - hätten noch nicht den Erwartungen - von denen getroffen !"





  • "ein anderes Dokument der NSA - beschrieb eine Herausforderung !"




  • "der Zusammenarbeit - die Forderungen von denen wären - "nicht statisch"  !"





  • "Dokumente vom GCHQ - beschrieben dessen Furcht !"




  • "falls dieser nicht - die gewünschten Informationen - liefern könnte !"





  • "dass dann das Vertrauen - in dessen Fähigkeiten - abnehmen würde !"





  • "ein Dokument vom GCHQ - beschrieb Mitarbeiter !"



  • "die an einem Programm - gearbeitet hatten !"




  • "äußerten Bedenken über - "Täuschung"  !"




  • "und die "Moral und Ethik - ihrer operativen Arbeit"  !"








Fragen an den BND - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE



  • "was wusste - der BND ?!"




  • "welche Konsequenzen - hat die Bundesregierung - aus den Enthüllungen gezogen ?!"





  • "was wussten BND - und Bundesregierung - über Internetprogramme - auf deutschem Boden ?!"





  • "hatte der BND - "XKeyscore" - verwendet ?!"




  • "auf welchem Datenbestand - und wurde das Kanzleramt - informiert ?!"








GCHQ - Wikipedia DE: LINK ¤ GCHQ


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