
Edward Snowden's E-Mail - Washington Post: LINK ¤ WASHINGTON POST



  • "e-mail of Edward Snowden - to the NSA counsel !"






  • "he had a question - regarding the mandatory - USSID 18 training !"






  • "the training stated the following - the hierarchy of governing authorities !"






  • "and documents - was displayed from the highest authority - to the lowest authority - as followed !"







  • "Constitution - federal statutes - presidential executive orders - EO !"






  • "department of defense - DoD - and office of the director of national intelligence regulations - ODNI !"







  • "NSA/CSS directives - and policies - USSIDs !"





  • "SID management directives - and policies - office policies !"








  • "he was not entirely certain - but this did not seem correct !"






  • "as it seemed to imply - "executive orders" - had the same precedence as law !"







  • "his understanding was that EOs - may be superseded by federal statute !"






  • "but EOs - may not override statute !"







  • "was he correct - in this ?!"






  • "between EOs and laws - which had precedence ?!"







  • "could you please - clarify !"








  • "the e-mail - from the NSA office of general counsel - answered !"






  • "executive orders - EOs - had the "force and effect of law"  !"







  • "that said - you were correct that EOs - cannot override a statute !"






  • "( remark - they often behaved - as if this would be ! )"





  • "( and that was the reason - for the question ! )"











Edward Snowden's E-Mails - the Guardian:



  • "the NSA had claimed - that he did not make efforts !"






  • "to raise his concerns - internally - before going public !"







  • "with a statement - it had "not found any evidence"  !"






  • "to support his contention - that he brought these matters - to anyone's attention !"







  • "these email exchanges - prove otherwise !"






  • "the NSA was - wrong !"








  • "Edward Snowden said - "he actually did go through channels - and that was documented"  !"






  • "the NSA can - and should release - copies of his emails !"







  • "to their office - of general counsel !"






  • "to their oversight - and compliance folks !"







  • "he raised concerns - about the interpretations - of its legal authorities !"







  • "their response was - in bureaucratic language - the summarized opinion !"






  • "he should not ask - such questions !"








  • "in a reply to his email - which was cc'd to a number - of redacted email addresses !"






  • "he was told - that he was "correct"  !"







  • "that EO's - could not override a statute !"






  • "but that they had the - "force and effect of law"  !"







  • "this issue - was an important one - in the context !"






  • "of whether their activities - were permissible ?!"







  • "( there was a possible conflict - between laws passed by Congress - and orders ! )"











Edward Snowden's E-Mails - Washington Post: LINK ¤ WASHINGTON POST



  • "Edward Snowden said - the official release !"






  • "of one of his e-mails - was "incomplete"  !"







  • "it did not include - his correspondence with - NSA compliance officials !"






  • "and concerns - he had raised about - "indefensible collection activities"  !"







  • "he had shown colleagues - evidence of programs !"






  • "that they agreed were - unconstitutional !"







  • "for the truth - they have to ask his former colleagues - management - and the senior leadership team !"







  • "he raised concerns - about the NSA’s improper !"





  • "and at times unconstitutional - activities !"
















- Wikipedia EN:


E-Mail von Edward Snowden - Spiegel online:



  • "ein einziges E-Mail - von Edward Snowden !"




  • "an die NSA-Rechtsabteilung - wurde veröffentlicht !"





  • "wo dieser Kritik - übte !"





  • "Snowden - bezeichnete die Mail-Veröffentlichung als - "nicht vollständig"  !"




  • "er hatte weitere Mails geschrieben - und sich unter anderem über Datensammlungen - beschwert !"





  • "die unvollständige Veröffentlichung der Mail zeigte nur - dass sie etwas zu verbergen hatten !"









E-Mail von Edward Snowden - der Standard:



  • "nach der Veröffentlichung - eines E-Mails - sagte Edward Snowden !"




  • "dass es noch zahlreiche mehr - gab !"




  • "sie haben nun gezeigt - dass sie doch Zugang zu Beweisen haben !"




  • "die ein paar Monate davor - offiziell noch gar nicht existiert hatten !"





  • "hoffentlich - kann man bald den Rest davon - sehen !"









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